One of the greatest fears that an average individual has is to be mugged or assaulted, whether in public or private. On a regular day, this is not something that really “plagues the mind,” we usually just don’t think it will happen to us! But law enforcement authorities rightly encourage taking safety precautions in order Read More
Every individual, at some point in his or her life, has been victimized, exploited, or abused in some form or another. Whether this relates to a child being bullied at school, an adult being singled out at the workplace, or in more serious cases, an individual being mugged on the street, what the common feature Read More
Despite concerted efforts by law enforcement authorities and the criminal justice system, costly crimes such as burglary and muggings still still take place far too often in communities everywhere. If you have found yourself in a position where you are confronted by a mugger or a thief with intent to harm, you may suddenly discover Read More
Okay, so you’re eating healthy and exercising regularly. Your body is fit, heart is healthy, and mind is happy. But is your workout regime preparing you for the real threats of violence in today’s dangerous world? Will you be able to defend yourself in an adverse situation, even a matter of life and death? Basic Read More